Monday 11 March 2013


When you were a child,
It was dad,
It was pink,
It was flowers,
It was bliss.

When you were a teenager,
It was blond,
It was blue eyes,
It was love notes,
It was ecstasy.

When you were a young adult,
It was your best friend,
It was hot,
It was long phone calls,
It was delight.

When you were older,
It was random,
It was obnoxious,
It was fights,
It was tears.

When you are older,
It is your child,
It is persistent,
It is motivation,
It stood the test of time.

Doctors diagnosed it with a multiple personality disorder,
The FBI will offer you a restraining order,
Because it can be as fickle as a feather,
And as unpredictable as the weather.

But Barbie and ken,
Bonnie and Clyde,
Romeo and Juliet,

Simply called it LOVE.

By: A.S (My Wife)

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Her Story, Her Hope

She is sick and tired of trying
And ending up in front of a blank wall
People ask her why she shows no emotion
Well maybe it’s because she has tried,
And all she got in return was an ice bucket
They tell her she’s not beautiful
She asks them who defines beauty
She’s sick and tired of trying
And amounting to nothing
People ask her why she doesn’t trust
Well maybe because she has tried,
And all she got in return was a stab in the back
They ask her who she aspires to be
She tells them she’s creating her own person
People ask her why she doesn’t watch the news
Well maybe because she has tried,
And all she saw were people in expensive suits
Speaking empty words, promising the impossible.

Now, when you see that girl sitting alone,
Ask her to tell you her story.

Disappointment is all she ever got
Under the Christmas tree that she never had
She has learnt the hard way, that expectations
only ever lead to disappointments.

She still has hope,
That one day, the world will be a better place
Where your inner beauty will be more
Important that the birthmark on your face
where your wealth will be measured by
your values and not how many zeros you have.

By: A.S (My Wife)